Monday, July 9, 2012

Water Fun

Well, fun with water came about because Z started playing with a bucket of water....on my carpet this morning.  I therefore promised her some water fun this afternoon and whisked away the bucket as quickly as possible.  I've been wanting to recreate the water section of the Dupage Children's Museum for a while now, anyway; it's Z's favorite part of the whole museum.  So, I started gathering around the house.  I didn't get a great picture of everything I put in the pool and the green tub so here's a list:
1.  buckets -- all sizes
2.  Recyle bin plastic containers
3.  plastic egg carton
4.  paint brushes
5.  Plastic cups
6.  plastic soup ladle and plastic mixing spoon
7.  Tupperware bowls
8.  Empty plastic bottle
9.  A couple of funnel sizes
10.  Ball
11.  An old umbrella
12.  Watering cans
13.  Slowly running hose
14.  Tons of bubble blowing 'implements' we had lying around

All of this equalled over an hour of focused and creative play.  Little P spent a lot of time drinking the water out of various containers but she also had a great time pouring water from one container to another.  Z decided to paint the tree (as you can see above) and then moved on to create mini 'waterfalls' by filling plastic cups and slamming them against the tree.  Hmmm...I hadn't thought of that.  I guess that's the whole idea :)

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